Monday, November 22, 2010

Response blog

For this post i responding to James McGuire's blog post titled, Ethics and Medicine. In his post he used Post Tramatic Stress Disorder as a topic that involves ethics and medicine. PTSD as a common condition in military veterans and especially war veterans who have experience traumatic events in during their time serving in the war. In his post he also linked the cause of PTSD with highly stressful jobs or traumatic events in peoples lives where they are scared with the painful memories. A conflict arises when it comes to the methods of treatment for this disorder. There is a drug that they use called Propranolol, which helps the sufferers of this disorder but also has harmful side-effects such as loss of emotion and loss of who they really are. James had two articles that he used as references for his post, Over all i think he did a good job explaining both sides of this topic and how it connected with the ethics and medicine.

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