Monday, November 22, 2010

Response blog

For this post i responding to James McGuire's blog post titled, Ethics and Medicine. In his post he used Post Tramatic Stress Disorder as a topic that involves ethics and medicine. PTSD as a common condition in military veterans and especially war veterans who have experience traumatic events in during their time serving in the war. In his post he also linked the cause of PTSD with highly stressful jobs or traumatic events in peoples lives where they are scared with the painful memories. A conflict arises when it comes to the methods of treatment for this disorder. There is a drug that they use called Propranolol, which helps the sufferers of this disorder but also has harmful side-effects such as loss of emotion and loss of who they really are. James had two articles that he used as references for his post, Over all i think he did a good job explaining both sides of this topic and how it connected with the ethics and medicine.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ethics and Medicine

A current situation in medicine today where ethics and medicine conflict is in the case of abortion. The conflict resides in peoples morals and beliefs whether to have abortion legal or illegal. Abortion, which is the termination or removal of an embryo, is highly debated and controversial for the fact that a life is being taken away. The conflict of abortion is viewed differently among people and this has to do with their beliefs, morals, and in most cases their religion. The thing that separates people on this topic is justifying taking away the life that is the embryo or fetus when in the mother. There are reasons that people have for defending abortion the big one would be rape which is not the most common and is almost another argument in itself. Other reasons include the mother not being able to raise the child due to their economic status or because they simply are too young and are caught up in school and the idea of raising a child wouldn't seem possible. The list goes on. However on the other hand of the argument there are many arguments that oppose abortion the main reason being that a life is being taken away from someone who never had a say in whether they live or die. Other arguments include that the child should be given up for adoption or the mother should make arrangements for taking care of the child. All of which seem like the right choice in the eyes or the people who oppose abortion. I know about abortion just from hearing about it my whole life through the media, school religion and many other places. I think that both sides of this argument have plenty to say and their views are clear. A Defense of Abortion.
Why Abortion is Immoral. Both of these articles had a different view on the topic of Abortion and why it involves ethics. However i feel that Why Abortion is Immoral is more compelling because it appeals more to my morals and what i believe in.


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Demonstration Speech Evaluation

This post is to evaluate myself on my my demonstration speech. My speech was on a football play Fire/Ice Panther and how it is executed. I will point out three things i think i did well and three things that i need improvement on. First off with the areas that i need improvement, one being that i used fillers such as um and also i said and a, which should not be used. Secondly my transitions were not the best i needed to work on having what i needed to say in mind instead of stalling because i had forgot what to say. Lastly something else that i need to improve on is body language. Now to the areas that i did somewhat well. My introduction was a little shaky but i think i had the right idea to get the audiences attention. Secondly my use of a visual was good in the sense that the audience could follow along with what i was talking about. Lastly i my steps weren't the best but they were somewhat in order and i think that they were somewhat easy to follow. Here is a link to watch my speech. Demonstration speech

Monday, November 1, 2010

Response blog

For this response blog post i am responding to the post written by Jonathan Renk titled Technorati Search. His post was on the use of bio fuels and he elaborated about this, he also used two articles he had found to further explain bio fuels. (.bio fuel article bio fuel article )  He chose bio fuels because it was the topic of his informative paper. I think that he had written the post quite well and had used some good articles in his post. Also the authors and sites he used to find his articles seemed quite credible and legitimate.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Technorati search

For this post i used my informative paper to compare to a post i had found on Technorati. I searched poultry farming on Technorati and one post came up. That post was titled the unappetizing realities of factory-farmed meat. ( ) The author of this article is Ransom Riggs and it was posted on October 5 2010 at 11:40 am. Is seems as though he tries to post a new blog everyday or close to it. Riggs does utilize hyperlinks well in his posts most of the time he will actually have pictures or videos themselves in his post and other articles as well. The next post i looked at was titled Chic Modern Chicken Coop Grows a Green Roof. ( The author of this blog is Diane Pham and the post came from the blog architecture. The post was written on October 25 2010. The blog was written in a more personal sense it had a story to tell about the people involved and their idea of their chicken coop. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Response blog

After reading the post written by Adam Vander Pas titles Organs for Sale?   i thought that it was well written and informative. I also think that he has a very valid opinion. His opinion being that if people were allowed to sell their organs legally it would only cause more harm than good. He used that idea that if the selling of organs was legal that people would only sell their organs rather that donate and the organs would only go to the highest bidder. This is a very valid point that i agree with if it were to be the case. After reading his article from opinions of my own it only leads me to have to believe that if it were the case that organs could be legally sold then there would have to be a reliable socialistic system in place because in the case of life or death everyone i believe deserves the right to live.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

To sell or not to sell?

Yes i think a person has the right to sell one of their organs if desired. After all its their body they have the right to do so what they want with it. If it is legal to harm your body by such things as smoking or drinking which are not a good thing, then why can't people do something good with their body for a change and save a life. I understand what the argument would be there would be poor people on the street wanting to see their kidneys and there would be alcoholics who would receive a liver only because they trashed their own. But that is where the process of organ selling needs to be different from any other market in the United States it needs to be regulated. For example companies are allowed to feed society food that has been proven to cause cancer and is highly unhealthy for you or sell you cigarettes which most likely will cause you to end up with lung cancer if you become addicted. If only the government would step in and take control of  what could be a good thing that is the selling of organs i don't see how it could be a bad thing. This is something that should really be considered the pros definitely out weight the cons. When you look at the example of kidney transplants there are so many people who have to wait for a kidney and shouldn't have to because there are far to many people willing to sell it. Also in this case the people in need are willing to pay the money whatever it takes, life is priceless isn't it? So why not regulate who would be selling an organ make them go through rigorous testing and back round check if they turn out to be healthy, then i don't see why it can't work. I also believe if it were to happen all of the illegal selling that goes on right now and isn't good because of the fact that people are desperate and don't know what they would be receiving would be something of the past because it would be legal. After reading the article my opinion hasn't changed. i agree with what the article has to say bringing up the point that we should be able to sell organs it just has to be done right.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Reading TILOHL

     After just reading the synopsis of TILOHL I  feel that it is important Henrietta Lack's story as well as any other story like hers is important to be told to the public for many reasons. The main reason i believe is that when there is a topic of this matter that is highly debated and controversial it is important for people to be educated on the subject and by reading the book TILOHL written by Rebecca Skloot it will help people form their own opinions. On the other hand as i had mentioned the topic of  scientific research without consent is very debated and opinionated, and i think the book is a prime example of someone who's rights were violated and treated unfairly. One other reason i think that it is important for the public to be informed or her case as well as similar cases is that topics such as this one come up in people's everyday lives whether it be in politics or in the news. I  just think that when something as this subject, whether you wish to have an opinion about it or not is something that you should at least be informed about.Which is why i feel it important that a story like Henrietta Lack's be heard.  
(here is a link talking briefly about the book and showing the author Rebecca Skloot)     Some challenges Rebecca Skloot may have encountered when writing the book TILOHL may have been finding enough credible evidence that she can use to support her book. (this is a link that is of Skloot talking to a group of students from Gallaudets University's Deaf Education Center) Yes there is obviously credible evidence after all there all of Henrietta's cells ever made weighed 50 million tons, but there is always ways to unknowingly use wrong information. Even a simple thing as finding a way to tell Henrietta's story so that it grabs the readers attention could have been an obstacle to Rebecca while writing the book. Some obstacles i may face as a reader when reading the book TILOHL could be anything from being able to follow the storyline and understand her story to simply being in the mood to sit down and read the material assigned.